In the face of overwhelming odds, I refuse to surrender. I refuse to give up. I will NEVER quit trying.
Should I fail, I will never EVER give up. I will simply start again, look the failure in the eyes and tell it to take a good look as it sees me continuing to move forward, step by step. I am NO victim. I simply have diabetes. And all that means is that I'm a man who is very much alive, who is day by day attaining goals, fulfilling dreams, reaching for more and more of the precious and awe-inspiring life I am privileged to live, never settling, but continuing to strive for any and all that comes into my sphere of understanding and knowledge. I just happen to have a dead pancreas. And?
This message brought to you by a momentary need to verbally kick the ass of a few lingering stray thoughts of self doubt that had been hiding out in my formerly weak and unmotivated brain. They're all dead now... They were long ago replaced by a continued sense of determination, and just a little more heart than I had before hand. It's good to remind yourself how far you've come every once in a while... I feel better now... Thanks for listening